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by Tortog
Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:04 pm
Forum: DCC RPG Third Party Publishers
Topic: Liber Arcanum
Replies: 65
Views: 249485

Re: Liber Arcanum

OK! Thanx for your patience everyone. We had a slight format malfunction for the print version, but it doesn't cause any issues with the digital version. Since we have received final approval for the project the digital version of Liber Arcanum is now live and available at http://rpg.drivethrustuff....
by Tortog
Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:36 am
Forum: DCC RPG Third Party Publishers
Topic: Liber Arcanum
Replies: 65
Views: 249485

Re: Liber Arcanum

And it's off to the printer for a proof copy!! I hope to have that back within the next week or two, but it's out of my hands for the time being. Thanx everyone for your patience, I'll be spending the next few days building the book-marks for the digital version and both will be available soon. :D
by Tortog
Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:28 pm
Forum: DCC RPG Third Party Publishers
Topic: Liber Arcanum
Replies: 65
Views: 249485

Re: Liber Arcanum

:mrgreen: 4


The cover art is also nearing completion! The artist sent me a preview the other day...Wow!
by Tortog
Sat Sep 13, 2014 7:26 pm
Forum: DCC RPG Third Party Publishers
Topic: Liber Arcanum
Replies: 65
Views: 249485

Re: Liber Arcanum

6 :mrgreen:

by Tortog
Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:55 pm
Forum: DCC RPG Third Party Publishers
Topic: Liber Arcanum
Replies: 65
Views: 249485

Re: Liber Arcanum

:mrgreen: 8 :mrgreen: 7 Here's an example of some of the 'fill' that got created to lower the number of art pieces needed for the project. It's designed to work in conjunction with, and slightly expand, the rules for sacrifice in the core rules on pgs. 124 & 126. as such it can also be used for ...
by Tortog
Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:20 am
Forum: Fifth Edition Fantasy - Adventure Modules
Topic: 5E arrives at Goodman Games
Replies: 30
Views: 124585

Re: 5E arrives at Goodman Games

Maybe you're right. I've been going over the rules as I can using the copies of the PH available at the games, but I don't think I'll ever understand the 5e system well enough to run it. Maybe I'll pick up one of these modules and see and donate it to the group to see if it makes the DM's job any ea...
by Tortog
Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:17 pm
Forum: Fifth Edition Fantasy - Adventure Modules
Topic: 5E arrives at Goodman Games
Replies: 30
Views: 124585

Re: 5E arrives at Goodman Games

Report from the gaming trenches: I charge the orc.... no wait I can't because I don't have the right feat.... :roll: With the exception of two really awesome DCCRPG games that I got to play at Tacticon, I've been stuck playing 5e for the last 4 months. Near as I can tell Hasbro took all the worst a...
by Tortog
Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:24 pm
Forum: DCC RPG Third Party Publishers
Topic: Liber Arcanum
Replies: 65
Views: 249485

Re: Liber Arcanum

@RC> I am greatly pleased to hear that, thanx for the feedback! I totally know what you mean. Nearly half of my library of gaming books are from systems that I never bothered playing, but I liked some aspect enough to want to make it part of the milieu. That is very much the spirit with which both t...
by Tortog
Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:44 pm
Forum: DCC RPG Third Party Publishers
Topic: Liber Arcanum
Replies: 65
Views: 249485

Re: Liber Arcanum

*ping* "Thank you for using Dead Air as your conveyance of choice. Please note that we are commencing our final checks and we have received notice that all sacrifices have been accepted. Before landing the Ritual Master has tasked me with reminding you that it has turned on the NO CHANTING sign...
by Tortog
Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:03 pm
Forum: Rules discussion
Topic: Alignment
Replies: 26
Views: 93945

Re: Alignment

... But the mechanics of the game are beyond their perspective. Aren't they? Well for starters I should say sorry to Stretch... I wasn't trying to derail the thread. :) I'm not sure how other people handle this, but I don't think the character is or needs to be conscious of the mechanics of the gam...
by Tortog
Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:41 am
Forum: Rules discussion
Topic: Alignment
Replies: 26
Views: 93945

Re: Alignment

At Jon> Feel free to indulge your inner simian and pick as many nits as you like, they’re nutritious and tasty. 8) I admit that some of why I like that question is because I think it’s funny, but … {Joins in the feast of nits} It really boils down to a question of play style and I’m a method actor… ...
by Tortog
Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:59 pm
Forum: Rules discussion
Topic: Alignment
Replies: 26
Views: 93945

Re: Alignment

As much as I find these discussions fascinating, and I too enjoy a game were the nature of the Universe gets explored, but on a practical level I think alignments get in the way. Philosophers have been wrestling with these questions ever since we were able to ask them and we're no closer to finding ...
by Tortog
Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:20 pm
Forum: DCC RPG Adventure Modules
Topic: Free RPG day
Replies: 34
Views: 83287

Re: Free RPG day

... So I tell you what...I will remove every obstacle for that store in Grand Junction participating next year. Tell them I will spend an extra $85 next year to personally subsidize their participation in 2015. And if you will help with some promotion (maybe run a game at the store?) I bet we can m...
by Tortog
Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:29 am
Forum: DCC RPG Third Party Publishers
Topic: Liber Arcanum
Replies: 65
Views: 249485

Re: Liber Arcanum

Aaaand we've got 4 artists! Well, OK. For a few moments at least. So, actually, lets call it 3 and a half... I turned around the other day just in time to see one of them dragged off into the bushes by the long tentacles of possible jury duty. Ahhh. Life... it never stops being interesting. :lol: Si...
by Tortog
Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:07 pm
Forum: DCC RPG Adventure Modules
Topic: Free RPG day
Replies: 34
Views: 83287

Re: Free RPG day

Thanx for taking the time to respond, but I think you've just served to highlight the extreme fragility of the brick and mortar game shops. I've heard this complaint repeatedly over the years, and if an $85 fee is too much for some shops, then it just shows how sharp that razor margin really is. I h...
by Tortog
Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:37 pm
Forum: Magic and Spells
Topic: Dispel Magic
Replies: 7
Views: 30789

Re: Dispel Magic

My understanding is that there's no hard rule covering this aspect of casting; as such it is entirely a matter of play style. For my games I've always assumed that spell casters (arcane & divine) have the ability to dismiss spells that they have cast even if it is upon someone else; unless the s...
by Tortog
Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:07 pm
Forum: DCC RPG Third Party Publishers
Topic: Liber Arcanum
Replies: 65
Views: 249485

Re: Liber Arcanum

Well the quest for Liber Arcanum continues because in the last week, we've added another artist to our intrepid band of heroes. I'm also currently negotiating with a 4th artist, so the current layout receives a stay of execution!! :mrgreen:

More Later,
by Tortog
Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:14 pm
Forum: DCC RPG Adventure Modules
Topic: Free RPG day
Replies: 34
Views: 83287

Re: Free RPG day

I just hope the the change in date to June 21 isn't a permanent switch. If it is then I won't be able to participate in FRPG Day any more due to scheduling conflicts. Even if I had the time, there is the fact that I'd have to fold my disabled ass into a car and travel more than 5 hours over the moun...
by Tortog
Sat May 31, 2014 1:27 am
Forum: DCC RPG General
Topic: D20 Questions
Replies: 28
Views: 77482

Re: D20 Questions

" what would you rather have bite you on the balls,…. a dog or an alligator?" Given the choice between the two I'd have to go with alligator, as they are ambush predators most commonly found lurking in the muddy shallows where water meets land, and the fact that on average they have more ...
by Tortog
Fri May 30, 2014 10:05 pm
Forum: Rules discussion
Topic: Cthulhu as a patron....need spell list and whatever else you
Replies: 12
Views: 25885

Re: Cthulhu as a patron....need spell list and whatever else

My 2cp... I've always been willing to let gods step in as patrons, but I strictly limit it to deities that have magic, or knowledge, or something similar listed as part of their folio. I checked my copy of the 1st edition Deities and Demigods, and it seems to me that ol'squiddy face could work for e...
by Tortog
Sat May 24, 2014 10:06 pm
Forum: DCC RPG Third Party Publishers
Topic: Liber Arcanum
Replies: 65
Views: 249485

Re: Liber Arcanum

@ zargon> Thanx for the idea and the link. Didn't find much that I could use for this project, but there was a lot of stuff that I could see myself using in future, particularly the 17th and 18th century maps and architectural stuff. I'll poke around some more out on the internet to see if there's a...
by Tortog
Mon May 12, 2014 7:03 pm
Forum: Rules discussion
Topic: Limits on magical healing
Replies: 14
Views: 43221

Re: Limits on magical healing

One way to mitigate this kind of metagaming, and encourage the role playing aspects of spellburning, is to use the alternate spellburn effects table created by my friend Judge Hook. Not sure how 'metaga...
by Tortog
Sat May 03, 2014 2:25 pm
Forum: Rules discussion
Topic: Limits on magical healing
Replies: 14
Views: 43221

Re: Limits on magical healing

Just my 2cp on pg. 108... I have always thought that this part: Spellburn represents a mortal sacrifice to a supernatural entity for strictly selfish purposes. A cleric’s ability to heal represents drawing on the power of a god to further that god’s agenda in the mortal realms. These are inherently ...
by Tortog
Sat May 03, 2014 1:13 pm
Forum: DCC RPG General
Topic: A Community Experiment - Calling all Colorado players
Replies: 3
Views: 12952

Re: A Community Experiment - Calling all Colorado players

I just moved to the Grand Junction area... If anyone else is in the area, send me a PM on this board, or contact me at I'm more than interested in setting up some regular game sessions down at Jester's Court, and at the very least, I'm planning to run some DCCRPG for ...
by Tortog
Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:51 am
Forum: DCC RPG Third Party Publishers
Topic: Liber Arcanum
Replies: 65
Views: 249485

Re: Liber Arcanum

Sorry I didn't see this sooner. I have this thread set to send me an email when someone posts, but nothing came through. Not sure what's going on, but since it involves computers, it's probably my fault. I wish I had better news, but as the edited post above demonstrates... things are moving slow en...

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