Community Publisher Profile: James Pozenel

Community Publisher Profile: James Pozenel

We recently sat down for an interview with James Pozenel, the man behind the horse…shark…well, Horse Shark Games, anyway. Let’s see what he had to say!Who are you and what makes you a member of the DCC/MCC Community? Hi, I’m James A. Pozenel, Jr. I’m a fan, player, judge, and author. I have written several third-party adventures, articles, and supplements for DCC RPG & MCC RPG. I also contributed to Goodman...

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Community Publisher Profile: Jonathan Snodgrass

Community Publisher Profile: Jonathan Snodgrass

We recently sat down for an interview with Jonathan Snodgrass, mastermind behind third-party DCC/MCC hit Star Crawl and other titles published through Tuesday Night Fiend Club.———Who are you and what makes you a member of the DCC/MCC Community?I’m a longtime gamer, with about 30 years of RPG experience, and an enthusiastic fan of Dungeon Crawl Classics since I first played it around 9 years ago. I’ve attended GaryCon since 2013, and...

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