New in the Online Store: International Translations
If you are looking for a non-English DCC RPG translation, this is your week! There are over TWO DOZEN translated releases that are new in our online store!Whether it’s French, German, or Italian, we’ve got a little bit of everything! (Plus, there are translations in Portuguese and Spanish in the store already!) Adventures, core rulebooks, and even a book that doesn’t suck are all now in the store! But enough talk (in...
DCC RPG Now Available in Italian!
We’ve got a big announcement from Kaizoku Press, in concert with MP Edizioni — the Dungeon Crawl Classics Italian rulebook is here! And this new release is just the beginning of Italian editions of popular DCC publications and adventures from Kaizoku Press and MP Edizioni!Kaizoku Press has been publishing games and comics from all over the world for years, and Goodman Games is proud to have forged an alliance with them to...
Pre-Order The German Edition of Peril on the Purple Planet!
A while back we announced that System Matters Verlag had translated Dungeon Crawl Classics into German. We’ve even given you links to purchase a copy of your own directly from their website.But System Matters Verlag wasn’t done with just that release. This time they’ve taken on the task of translating the boxed adventure Peril on the Purple Planet into German as well. In Peril on the Purple Planet, the characters are...
LUCCA Italian Interview with Joseph Goodman
Not too far back we announced that there was an Italian translation of Dungeon Crawl Classics in the works. And things are progressing nicely. Nice enough to invite us in for a talk.Joseph Goodman recently joined our Italian translation partner for a live-streamed interview as part of programming for LUCCA, Italy’s premiere game con. Joseph’s interview runs for about the first 45 minutes of this broadcast and goes over what he...
An Interview With Stefan Poag
An Interview With Stefan PoagOur partner Akileos Publishing is responsible for the upcoming French edition of Dungeon Crawl Classics. We recently ran an interview they did with our own Dark Master, Joseph Goodman, as well as another interview conducted with Harley Stroh and one with Peter Mullen—but that’s not the end of it.Akileos sat down and interviewed another iconic DCC creator: Stefan Poag. This interview...
Announcing The Italian Edition of DCC RPG
We’re thrilled to announce that Kaizoku Press, in concert with MP Edizioni, has reached an agreement with Goodman Games to produce an Italian language version of the hit role-playing game Dungeon Crawl Classics. Kaizoku Press has been publishing games and comics from all over the world for years, and Goodman Games is proud to have forged an alliance with them to bring Dungeon Crawl Classics to a new audience. Artwork for the...
German Edition of DCC RPG Now Available! (…in Germany)
A while back we told you that there was a German translation of Dungeon Crawl Classics in the works. It’s no longer in the works. It’s done. It’s for sale.In Germany.That’s right, the German edition of the DCC Core Rulebook along with a handful of modules are now available to the European market. Published by System Matters Verlag, the German edition is now available on their website. And if you are a...
The International DCC Bookshelf
A while back we showed off the almost-complete DCC bookshelf. It was “almost complete” because it lacked the international translations of Dungeon Crawl Classics that have come out over the years.So, today, we’re gonna show off the translated editions.Above is a photo of the international DCC bookshelf. At first glance, this may look like a bunch of familiar books—but look more closely and you’ll see the differences!...
Last Chance To Back The French Edition of DCC RPG!
A few months back we announced an agreement for Akileos Publishing to create a French-language edition of Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game. Now those same folks have brought that translation to a crowdfunding campaign—and it’s almost finished!Running through the Game On crowdfunding engine, the French edition of DCC RPG has already met their publishing goal, but you can help them to reach all their stretch goals and get...
An Interview With Peter Mullen
Our partner Akileos Publishing is responsible for the upcoming French edition of Dungeon Crawl Classics. We recently ran an interview they did with our own Dark Master, Joseph Goodman, as well as another interview conducted with Harley Stroh—but that’s not the end of it.Akileos had one more interview in them: Peter Mullen. This interview was already run on their site in French but the whole thing was conducted in...
Support DCC RPG in French!
A couple of months back we announced an agreement for Akileos Publishing to create a French-language edition of Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game. Now those same folks have brought that translation to a crowdfunding campaign.Running through the Game On crowdfunding engine, the French edition of DCC RPG has already met their publishing goal, but you can help them to reach their stretch goals and get on board for...
Announcing the French Edition of DCC RPG!
Akileos Publishing is proud to announce the future publication of the French edition of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role-Playing Game from Goodman Games.Since 2003, Akileos has published comics, movie tie-ins, and art books from artists all over the world – works coming from the fertile minds of its authors, and role-playing games that have helped revolutionize the worlds of imagination. Our comics have been inspired by the...