Learn More About Temple of Elemental Evil on the Really Dicey Vidcast!
Really Dicey does it again! Recently they sat down for a video interview with Chris Doyle and Rick Maffei, designers of the soon-to-be-released Original Adventures Reincarnated #6 The Temple of Elemental Evil, for a look at what fans can expect from this full conversion of one of the most legendary dungeon crawls of all time. To find out why this massive two-volume reincarnation of one of D&D’s formative modules is...
New DCC Podcast: Mighty Deeds Is Here!
Raise your arms and swing those weapons! It’s time for some Mighty Deeds!Joining the cast of the DCC-inspired podcasts is the new one from the folks at The Murfreesboro Murder Hobo Old-School Gaming Association, Mighty Deeds!These one-hour episodes recant the adventures of a group of gallant folks as they attempt to navigate a somewhat familiar horror-based adventure as a Dungeon Crawl Classics funnel. Here’s the...
Podcast Roundup!
There’s always something to hear about gaming. And thankfully there are plenty of people to talk about it—if you know where to find them. That’s right: podcasts! If you are a fan of Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mutant Crawl Classics, or even Appendix N, you’ve got some amazing options waiting for you out there. An entire community of podcasts supporting your favorite games and their source are available, and they are...