Three More Cheers for DCC RPG!
Go Cougars!Goodman Games is once-again proud to sponsor the San Lorenzo Valley High School Cheer Team. This is not the first time that we’ve sponsored the team, and we are honored to be a part of the team once more.We always say that DCC RPG is a family game that crosses generations, and some of the Cougars are big Dungeon Crawl Classics fans. This is thanks in part to the tutelage of Stephen Newton, who happens to be a parent...
Three Cheers for DCC RPG!
Go Cougars! Goodman Games is proud to sponsor the San Lorenzo Valley High School Cheer Team. DCC RPG is a family game that crosses generations, and some of the Cougar girls are big Dungeon Crawl Classics fans. This is thanks in part to the tutelage of Stephen Newton, author of many fine DCC products including: The Corpse That Love Built They Served Brandolyn Red Attack of the Frawgs Children of the Sun...