Reprint Registry: DCC Adventures #83 – #85

Reprint Registry: DCC #83 to DCC #85 

Welcome to the Reprint Registry! This occasional feature documents the reprints of Goodman Games products. Collectors often ask us for detailed printing specs on our many reprinted titles, especially the DCC line. Over the years, some of our out-of-print titles have commanded impressive sums on the secondary market. We’ve been told it is helpful for collectors to have some background on the titles they are collecting or selling. 

This time out we’re exploring the next set of adventures for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. Previous posts cover DCC #66.5 to DCC #82, and DCC #67. This article starts at DCC #83 and goes through #85. Even though that is only a few adventures, there were a lot of variations on each! 

Some dedicated fans collect all the various printings of their favorite adventures. With each new printing of a book, we typically do a fresh editorial review to catch any remaining typographical errors. We often add new content or interior art of some kind. And we occasionally commission entirely new cover art. Some cover variants were originally released only for a certain convention or as a pre-order bonus item.  

We’ve done our best to make sure this list includes all of the English-language printings for these modules, but if you spot an error please be sure to let us know. This article won’t cover translations – we’ll add those later. 

Now, let’s explore some adventures! 

DCC #83: The Chained Coffin and Related Titles

This adventure first came to life as a Kickstarter boxed set, and was later reprinted as a hardcover. 

DCC #83, first printing 

For the first printing, there were multiple variations in both cover art and box type, so it’s a fairly complex situation for the collector. 

There were three versions of the cover; and five different labeled versions of the box. 

In addition, there was a lot of swag: a beer cozy, a belt buckle, a button, and probably some other items we’re forgetting. We won’t cover swag here. 

There were three variations on cover art: a basic color cover version, a gold foil edition, and a silver foil edition. All three versions are shown in this photo:

There were five variations on the box contents. All of the boxes had the same physical construction, as shown here:

However, the contents of the five box types varied slightly. A label on the back of each box identified the contents. Here is an example of the label as applied:

To provide clarity on what was in each of the five box variations, here is the file used to print the labels and instruct the printer on what to include in each box:

DCC #83.1: Tales of the Shudder Mountains  
DCC #83.2: Death Among the Pines 

These digest-sized adventures had additional adventures related to the locations described in DCC #83. Each of these adventures had one printing. 

DCC #83, second printing 

The Chained Coffin was later reprinted in a hardcover format as the second printing. The “complete” printing includes the spinning wheel puzzle inserted into the plastic pocket inside the cover. There were two variations: the color cover (featuring art by Ken Kelly) and the gold foil edition.

DCC #84: Peril on the Purple Planet

This adventure also first came to life as a Kickstarter boxed set, and was later reprinted as a hardcover.  

DCC #84, first printing 

The first printing of DCC #84 was a hefty box containing a wide variety of contents. The box cover looked like this: 

As with DCC #83, the first printing of DCC #84 featured several variations of box contents. There was only version of the adventure proper, but there were four versions of what was contained in the box. A label on the back of each box identified the contents. To provide clarity on what was in each of the four box variations, here is the file used to print the labels and instruct the printer on what to include in each box:

The Purple Planet boxed set has been translated into Spanish and German.

In addition, an issue of the German gaming magazine Der Trichter included new Purple Planet material first published in German.

DCC #84.1: The Rock Awakens  
DCC #84.2: Synthetic Swordsmen of the Purple Planet 
DCC #84.3: Sky Masters of the Purple Planet 

These digest-sized adventures had additional adventures related to the locations described in DCC #84. Each of these adventures had one printing. 

DCC #84, second printing 

The Purple Planet material was never formally reprinted as DCC #84 but was reprinted in a compiled hardcover released as Tome of Adventure Volume 4. Two versions were published, a color cover and a foil cover. 

DCC #85: The Making of the Ghost Ring

One printing and Sketch Cover variant:

We’re pulling together records on DCC #86 and beyond, so more to come on those!

Author: alana

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