Announcing the Xcrawl Classics Team Tournament at Gen Con!

Save Xcrawl Xcrawl Classics that is!

A dark political alliance wants to permanently cancel the World’s Funnest Death SportTM, but you can save it if your heroics please the Gods of Olympus!

Gen Con 2024 will feature wall-to-wall gaming — and this year we’re bringing the fun of the all new Xcrawl Classics to the Gen Con Team Tournament scene! Every year, Goodman Games puts on a Team Tournament event at Gen Con and this year we’ll be diving head first into the brand new version of Xcrawl — which runs on DCC mechanics! (To see the complete breakdown of past tournament winners at Gen Con and other venues, click here).

There will be a total of 10 teams competing against each other in 3 waves (or ‘flights’) taking place on Thursday August 1st at 2:00 pm, and Friday August 2nd at 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. The final round to determine the winners will be on Saturday August 3rd at 2:00 pm. 

Now is the time to get your team together, and get ready for registration!

On May 5th the Gen Con 2024 Event Catalog will go live, and that will give everyone a chance to plan their gaming schedule for the convention weekend. On May 19th, event registration/ticket sales will go live.

We hope you’ll join us for our first Xcrawl Classics Team Tournament — you and your team might just be able to call yourself the first ever XCC Team Tournament Champions!

Author: admin

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