Follow Ziggurat of the Megaton Maiden for MCC on BackerKit and Be Ready For Launch!

Launching in just a few days on BackerKit is Ziggurat of the Megaton Maiden, fully MCC-compatible adventure.

An Experimental Speed Metal Dungeon!

2 minutes to midnight.
A 20-round race to the top.
The fate of the world in the balance!
Can your 2nd level DCC characters become heroes?

This is a what now? An experimental Speed Metal Dungeon? Yes, yes, it is. The idea emerged while listening to, shockingly, heavy metal. Specifically, Iron Maiden and Megadeth, hence the title and content. So, what’s it all about?

The PCs have been on the path of The Cult of the Mega-Maiden. The Cult seeks to bring the Demon Seed of Deth to the Iron Ziggurat of the Mega-Maiden. There they hope to perform the Ultimate Ritual and fulfill the Prophecy. This will break open the Demon Seed and bring the Wrathchild into the world with the Mega-Maiden acting as surrogate mother. We begin in medias res, in the middle of the plot. This gives Judges various options to drop this into an existing campaign with some minor set up, make this the culmination of previous adventures, or just run this as a speedy one-shot.

**You don’t need to be a fan of heavy metal to have fun with this!**

Follow now and be ready when it launches!

Author: admin

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