New from Electi Studio and already fully-funded, Jair’s Home is a 0 level MCC (or DCC) compatible adventure and setting written by Jacob Franklin — with awesome miniatures from SkullForge Studios! Jair’s Home is a village built amongst the remains of a massive robot, inhabited by mutant possums with psychic powers and led by the charismatic Jair.
Jair’s Home is a strange place in the Terra A.D. wilderness where mutant possums have psychic powers and hold court with Jair, pronounced like “chair” but with a “J.” The keen mutants have built a wall by scavenging parts from a massive robot. They fiercely protect the little world they’ve built and have made Jair’s Home a favorite place for your band to start exploring the frontiers of Terra A.D.

- Written for Mutant Crawl Classics (MCC), but still highly useful for Gamma World, Old School Essentials: Post-Apocalyptic, or any other world you brew that crawls with mutants and ancient technologies.
- Learn the history, demographics, government, defenses, industry, factions, and resources in Jair’s Home
- Explore twelve characterful locations within Jair’s Home, including Judge’s Notes and written descriptions to be read aloud to players.
- There are three regions around the village for players to explore in the land beyond Jair’s Home.
- Seven new monsters for your bestiary
- Includes the NPCs associated with the village and roles and an NPC generator to help guide DMs to populate the world with memorable characters, all built to give the party plenty to do in Jair’s Home.
- Four hooks tables and three events tables give players replayability and room for the story to grow.
- Additional character creation rules for creating your adventurers, with the 11 different Manimal Genotypes, including Jair’s Home iconic (Didelinoids.)
- Introduces the Stable Genome rule, which allows players to choose specific options for their characters instead of relying purely on chance, but at a cost.
- An additional archaic alignment “The Devotees of Mother Nikki.”
Support Jair’s Home and grab some awesome STL files or printed minis to enhance your games of MCC!