The Purple Planet Horde is surging ahead!
We’ve got some amazing third party campaigns going on right now in support of our massive Return to the Purple Planet! Many of the DCC community’s most popular independent designers have come up with the coolest, most-unexpected, and just flat out uber-weirdest supplements exploring the strange corners of adventure that can be found in this unique sword-and-planet setting.
Developers like Studio 9! Check out their campaign for two indispensable books to bring the Purple Planet experience to life. Die Robot! is a 0 level funnel perfect to kick off your campaign — and it even includes a new class, the Sentient Robot. And 101 Hex Encounters for the Purple Planet brings the weird wasteland of the Purple Planet to life with a ton of wilderness encounters to add dimension to your games!
Fully illustrated, stocked with maps, 101 Hex Encounters for the Purple Planet will be around 30 pages — but with included stretch goals, it could be even more with your support!
Support the Horde! Remember, all of the Purple Planet campaigns are linked by cross-compatible stretch goals — maximize your Purple Planet investment when you back them all!
- There are 8 unique Purple Planet bonus drop in encounters, 1 for each project you back!
- Pledge for 3 or more projects for a free “purple planet 3d6” dice set!
- Get to the top of the multi project backer leaderboard, or just get lucky, to have an anagram of your name appear as an NPC!
- Bonus page of runic lore unlocked for each project, only if all Purple Planet projects are funded!