Support DCC-Compatible ‘The Sorcerer’s Fate’ for Zinequest!

Darkness and mayhem await the village losers sent to learn the sorcerer’s fate in this 0-level funnel compatible with Dungeon Crawl Classics.

New on Zinequest from Nerdronomicon, The Sorcerer’s Fate is a 0-level funnel that can be run in one or two sessions. It has over-land travel through a demon-infested forest, exploration of a sorcerer’s manse, and a thrilling conclusion in the dark spaces below.

The adventure includes:

  • Eight new demonically corrupted creatures.
  • Seven new confounding magic items.
  • pretty cool puzzle.
  • Handouts of creatures, essential objects, and locations.
  • Mayhem.

This zine introduces the tiny village of Rükstau [ROOK-shtow] and their unusual neighbor—hidden on the other side of a haunted wood—the Sorcerer Verrükter [vare-ROOK-tare]. Survivors of the funnel may be called on by Verrükter for tasks of increasing complexity in future installments of this series, planned to run through level five.

This zine is designed for every Judge, from zero-preppers to flavor-text junkies. Organized so you have exactly what you need at the table.

Each encounter opens with a sentence or two describing narrative beats and gameplay design for a quick reminder in session. This might be all you want if you are the kind of Judge who likes to operate without a net.

This is followed by a bullet list of highlights that dive deeper into the specifics, designed for a glance at the table or as a foundation for Judges who’d rather put things in their own words.

These are combined with tables, creature stats, and maps all in a single two-page spread for easy access. 

If you want more, the complete adventure text with read-aloud sections and Judge directions follows. Suitable for prep or during the session, tablesstats, and maps are interspersed for immediate access. Every effort has been made to eschew surplusage without sacrificing flavor.

In addition, names, checks, saves, die rolls, measurements, and other important terms are bolded for efficient scanning, and pronunciation guides [in brackets] are provided throughout.

Pledge today for The Sorcerer’s Fate 0-level funnel!

Author: admin

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