Support the Third Party MCC-Compatible ‘The Neon Jungle’ as Part of Zinequest!

Step into the Neon Jungle!

Just launched on Kickstarter is Neon Jungle, a gonzo post-apocalyptic location supplement compatible with Mutant Crawl Classics RPG.

The Neon Jungle is a 42 page, B&W, 5.5″x8″ zine for Mutant Crawl Classics and other OSR-style systems. The zine provides judges with a location sandbox that can be used as a campaign setting or travel location, and provides players with ways to create characters from the Neon Jungle.

It contains the following:

  • An introduction to survival in the Neon Jungle. Meet some locals, their culture and practices, as well as how they must manage the jungle’s extreme Wet and Dry Seasons.
  • 10 Random Tables to generate story hooks and dynamic encounters, determine the weather, and introduce NPCs.
  • Rules and lore for K’nuks, playable skunk manimals.
  • Rules and lore for Neon Jungle Plantients.
  • Advanced Hunting & Gathering, new rules for hunting and gathering to create flavourful games of survival in a post-apocalyptic hot house jungle.
  • Remedies and Cooking recipes to be used with your freshly collected ingredients.
  • Neon Bestiary, 10 new monsters to hunt.
  • Neon Botanical, 8 new plants to gather.
  • Wails of the Mother Mutant, a one-shot adventure for levels 1-2.
  • Great Art! from Toren Atkinson, Mackenzie Baker, Scotland Galloway, Lula Gibson, Avi Mondlak, Taryn Shea, and Brayden Turenne.

Author: admin

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