From African Legend to the Post-Apocalypse, this week’s new releases will add the unexpected, the unconventional, and the just plain weird to your games of DCC and MCC!
Ashraf Braden’s Legends of Uganda (Issue #1) presents new creatures, weapons, Mighty Deeds, and even a new character class, all inspired by Ugandan legends and classic tales. And on the other side of the world, let The Skin-Walker take form in your games of Weird Frontiers with John Watson’s DCC-compatible character class.
Plus, Dandyline Games is here to ‘cover’ the gaps in your campaign with Cover Stories — quick, one-off adventures with novel mechanics and gameplay, printed entirely on a standard-sized cardstock GM’s screen! Run the adventures right from the screen and share the maps and art with your players. Cover Stories make for great, on-the-fly quick gaming sessions between your longer adventures.
Let’s check them out!
The Republic of Uganda is a place filled with legends and lore not often heard outside of Africa. It is a land filled with sinister spirits which feed on children, witch cults, monstrous elemental powers, and more.
Collected in print for the first time are five such legends as told by Ugandan game designer Ashraf Braden. Now, expanded with even more material, each entry includes all the game information required to bring these legends to life at your DCC RPG table.
Included in this first issue are…
1 Character Class – The Bachwezi, invisible herdsmen with the ability to bind the souls of the unwary into their service.
2 Mighty Deeds of Arms – Featuring the bloodcurdling dismembering attack.
4 Weapons – From the humble fishing net to the terrifyingly brutal panga.
15 Monsters & Beasts – Including the forest cobra, river elementals, and the legendary lake monster Lukwata.
Get a Print + PDF copy of Legends of Uganda issue # 1 —>
A new class for Weird Frontiers!
There are many names for your kind – berserker, erchitu, Ijiraq, or werewolf. You are a cursed shape changer that can take the form of both man and beast.
The skin-walker is a new class for the DCC (Dungeon Crawl Classics) compatible Weird Frontiers RPG.
Get The Skin-Walker in PDF Only —>
Part of Dandyline Games’s “Cover Stories.” a line of adventures designed to “cover” gaps between your regular campaign play. Not everyone showed up? NO PROBLEM! Have to make it a short game night? THIS IS PERFECT! These short, one-session games are actually printed in full, glorious color on a GM-screen-like cover with all the info you need to run them spread across 6 cardstock panels!
In “The Floating Spoils of Czar BeeZare,” the mysterious sky pirate, Czar BeeZare and his crew of motley mutants drop from their airship, raiding your seekers’ village. Now the seekers must find a way up to this high-tech dirigible and do some plundering of their own!
In “The Ratcatcher’s Son” the city is besieged by a plague of pests. The local ratcatcher has found an unearthed entrance into an unholy and inhuman temple entwined within the old sewers. Relaying this possible source of the plague to the Baron, his consulting high priests intend to promptly raze the temple’s entrance in a ceremony of purification.
With “In the Employ of the King’s Foresters” you get an amazing cross-wilderness adventure that has all the standard thrills of exploration, encounters with wild beasts and lurking monsters as well as a chance to co-opt the management of a team of ordinary laborers – lumberjacks and surveyors trying to pick the best routes through varying types of wooded spaces, rocky hillsides, and rushing rivers and steams.
dimensions: Folded 8.5″ x 11″ Unfolded 25.4″ x 11”
Example of open Cover Story GM Screen Adventure: