Almost time to return to the Purple Planet!
Coming next month on BackerKit it’s Adventures on the Purple Planet . . . And Beyond! This massive hardcover collects all of the original (and out of print) Peril on the Purple Planet material in addition to a host of extras — including a brand new Purple Planet adventure, Chessmen of the Purple Planet!
Death worms, lost crypts, strange aliens, foul fungi, ancient technology — Purple Planet transforms your Dungeon Crawl Classics experience into an unforgettable sword-and-planet saga, DCC-style!
This will be the fourth volume in our Tome of Adventure series of hardbacks, reprinting classic out-of-print DCC adventures in comprehensive hardcover editions.
Follow the project now on BackerKit and ensure that you get the best pledge options — stay informed, and be ready for launch in just a few weeks!
PLUS! What’s a Purple Planet without a HORDE?!? Also next month, your favorite third party developers are offering a ton of Purple Planet Adventures — enough to jumpstart an entire Purple Planet campaign!