Support the Third Party BackerKit for Underworld!

Following up on the success of the Overworld, Nightworld, Pipeworld, Roboworld, and Space Station M, Monster Manual zines, Eric Bloat and Bloat Games is excited to announce Underworld – Tabletop RPG Fantasy Adventures – Inspired by Retro Video Games. Support now on BackerKit!

This crowdfunding campaign will feature 3 all new adventures!

  • BG1 – The Eagle’s Crest
  • BG2 – Full Dark, No Moon
  • BG3 – Madness of the Magi 

Each adventure will be available in Print and PDF format.  The print size will be 8.5″ x 5.5″ staple bound, on high-quality paper stock.  Each zine is expected to be 16-24 pages, and will feature a mini-monster manual of the enemies that appear in the adventure at the end, with stats for 5E, DCC RPG, SURVIVE THIS!!, System Neutral, and Forgotten Ballad.

Each adventure will contain a location map, monsters with stats and art, and a treasure or reward for the players for completing the adventure.  Each adventure should be enough for a fun night of gaming, and perfect for running at conventions.

Author: admin

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