Final Day for Grimtooth’s Old-School Traps! Watch The Countdown Show!

The campaign for Grimtooth’s ends tonight tune in for the countdown!

You have until tonight at 7:00 pm EST to take advantage of our tremendous Grimtooth’s Old-School Traps BackerKit campaign! And remember all prior supporters for any of our past Kickstarters will receive $10 off the print product ($5 for PDF)!

And tonight on Twitch we are counting down to the final seconds of the campaign — we’ve already cleared our sixth stretch goal, how far can we go in the final moments? Tune in with the Goodman Gang at 6:00 pm EST as we find out together!

6:00 p.m. EST, Tuesday, November 28

Grimtooth’s Old-School Traps Countdown Finale *special*

Host: The Goodman Gang

All grim things come to an end! Join the Goodman Gang tonight as they countdown to the finish of our Grimtooth’s Old-School Traps on BackerKit campaign! This unparalleled resource for both DCC and 5E has over 3,100 supporters and climbing! Will more stretch goals unlcock? Will Grimtooth himself appear? Tune in for this special show and find out!

Catch the Grimtooth’s Old-School Traps Countdown Show at 6:00 pm EST this Tuesday, on the Goodman Games Official Twitch Channel!

Author: admin

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