Rest In Peace, Aaron

Here at Goodman Games we are very sad to learn that Aaron Koelman has passed away.

Aaron has been a part of DCC from the beginning, as one of the first people to throw themselves into the maelstrom as it began to coalesce as a community. Aaron was a constant presence at early games at Gary Con, where he was a warm, friendly presence who brought decency and fairness to whatever game in which he happened to find himself. He came to Gen Con, a tall Minnesotan whose unflappable nature never buckled under the harsh sun of central Indiana. As the community grew so did the reputation of this ambassador for the game all of us love.

The last few years though have been a struggle for Aaron. When he first informed us of his condition we were horrified, but the grace and serenity that Aaron possessed in speaking about his illness was inspirational. He knew he was in for a fight, one with long odds. Like any true DCC acolyte he rolled his dice, spent his luck, and moved forward. The ‘paralysis of analysis’ isn’t in Aaron’s lexicon, he simply does what he needs to do.

Aaron is an exemplar of the spirit of the DCC community. Where some may be short or foul tempered, he has been considerate. Where others curse fate or dice, he sagely holds his council, waiting for things to turn around. Aaron’s generous nature is second to none and his desire to help others, even when terribly afflicted himself, is as humbling as it is inspirational. If Hugh were to step out of the pages of DCC it is Aaron’s hand that he would clasp in friendship and recognition. In an endless number of realities, each different from our own, it is our Aaron that is the best of all of them in soul and in deed.

Goodman Games is honored to be associated with Aaron Koelman, someone that embodies the best of who we can be and who we can aspire to be.

Author: admin

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