The 2023 edition of ScoutCon was held this past weekend at Kansas’ Quivira Scout Ranch in the scenic Flint Hills of Southeast Kansas. This year marks the 7th year for ScoutCon, a weekend that brings Boy Scouts together from across Kansas and the surrounding states for fall tent camping and tabletop gaming.
Our own Jon Hershberger (“tacojohn”) has served on the ScoutCon committee from the beginning and can regularly be found rolling dice for a boardgame or running DCC at ScoutCon. This year, ScoutConOpoly, a customized Monopoly ™ boardgame was previewed at the Con. It was still a long game, but with the game’s themes being the Quivira Scout Ranch and ScoutCon itself, it was a fun twist on an old favorite.
Games of all sorts are played at ScoutCon, from Risk and Settlers of Catan to Monopoly and Dungeons & Dragons, and DCC.
For the DCC gaming, Taco ran three classic adventures and had full tables for each session: Beneath the Brass Well, The Jeweler Who Dealt in Stardust, and Jennell Jaquays’ The Lost Temple, from the Book of Treasure Maps.
For some ScoutCon attendees, this is their first exposure to tabletop games. For others, this is their first exposure to role-playing games or DCC. So, accomplishing tasks in-game isn’t always the goal of the event. For some, just getting out into the wild and having fun with friends is more than enough incentive to make the event worthwhile. And for still others, it is enough to unplug from our daily lives and contemplate what is good in life.