Grimtooth Explains the Trip Wire Trap!

Grimtooth’s Old-School Traps launches in just a few days!

Don’t get tripped up as Grimtooth explains the Trip Wire Trap . . . that isn’t a trip wire trap. Watch below for this exclusive sneak-peek at another of the fiendishly deadly devices from the pages of his forthcoming mega-collection Grimtooth’s Old-School Traps (for 5E and DCC!)

Get ready to squeeze some ferrets as the master troll schools you on the Trip Wire Trap! And be sure to back Grimtooth’s Old-School Traps on BackerKit and get an exclusive trap when the campaign launches this week!

Check out the growing YouTube playlist for all things Grimtooth’s, and remember to join Grimtooth and friends every Thursday at 7:00 pm EST for a new episode of Traps Thursdays, only on the Goodman Games Official Twitch Channel!

Author: admin

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