With a whiff of ozone and a clap of thunder, the Magician’s Skull emerged from within the glowing stones of the Goodman Games Ziggurat, the latest copies of Tales From the Magician’s Skull in hand! Our annual Gen Con summoning went off without a hitch this year, despite reports of the foaling of two-headed calves in the vicinity, and the accidental transmutation of a certain quantity of lemon seltzer water into boysenberry sparkling tonic, the fabric of reality suffered barely a ripple this time around!
Gen Con is always a chance to catch wayward interns catch up with friends that we don’t get to see too often — and it’s also a chance for the Skull to take material form and interact with a human population hungry for tales of daring, deeds of power, and adventures of unparalleled imagination. And the Grand Old Cranium of Chaos did not disappoint, imparting words of wisdom and powerful geases upon the assembled throng, spreading the zeal for sword-and-sorcery far and wide! In high spirits, the Skull reportedly only threatened the world with total immolation just once during the whole appearance, and that was only after he had been repeatedly warned about slam-tilting the Gorgar machine.
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