Final Day to Pledge for Xcrawl Classics!

Only 24 hours remain for these Xtremely cool exclusives!

This is your last chance to take advantage of the tremendous deals in our Xcrawl Classics Kickstarter — and to grab the kickstarter exclusives available only through this campaign!

What kind of exclusives? Special foil cover versions of both the Core Rulebook and the first seven XCC modules for one thing — the awesome DJ Skull logo cover on the XCC RPG hardback is a truly iconic design!

Plus! Exclusive Mojo tokens to track this unique XCC mechanic, and an exclusive XCC T-Shirt featuring the same awesome DJ Skull logo from Doug Kovacs featured on the foil cover exclusive hardback.

And don’t forget the great deal on the XCC add-ons that are available through the campaign — grabbing those XCC Glitter Dice, Reference Guide, Judge’s Screen, and Xcrawl Insider isn’t just a great bargain, but it also helps to unlock XCC’s fantastic stretch goals!

Speaking of which, we’ve just unlocked Methadone T-Rex vs. the BBQ Children! The new spells, magic items, patron, DJ, encounters, and monster unlocked by your pledges benefits all supporters. With the Roulette Mummy Spin-Apart Room and Sphinx “You Bet Your Life” Game encounters on the horizon, now is a great time to bump your support and help realize those stretch goals for XCC!

And don’t forget to share your favorite XCC product with the world on social media using #XCCROCKS — you might win some autographed goodies from the creator of Xcrawl himself, Brendan LaSalle!

But hurry — only one day left to pledge!

Author: admin

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