More stretch goals have been revealed!
Just as stretch goals get unlocked, more get revealed! Last night on Twitch Brendan LaSalle and Julian Bernick revealed a host of new stretch goals for the Xcrawl Classics Kickstarter.
Speaking of which, we have almost unlocked the Velociraptor Dance Party! And we’ve got to find out what’s going on with the Roulette Mummy Spin-Apart Room!
With a little over 1,300 backers, the XCC Kickstarter has unlocked some fantastic initial stretch goals and is fast reaching new ones.. That means new XCC-specific magic items and spells (I Can’t Believe It’s Not Fireball!®) , a brand new monster (B-HLDR) new patrons and new encounters. How about Orc in a Catapult?
The more support, the more stretch goals. And backing the campaign also lets you pick up Kickstarter-specific extras like T-shirts, mojo tokens, and Xcrawl Insider magazine, exclusive foil cover editions of the books, and, of course, the XCC all-in-one rulebook itself at a savings over MSRP!
Check out the Xcrawl Classics Kickstarter today and see just what makes XCC such a unique gaming experience — and pledge now to grab these bonus stickers before they’re gone . . .