Judge DCC Funnels at Gen Con For Badges and Hotel Credits!

We need more Judges for Gen Con’s Funnel

This year’s funnel at Gen Con, The Forsaken Vault of the Crimson Oracle, could use some more good Judges! And remember, Judges running 4 or more events at Gen Con are eligible for a free Badge and a credit toward housing. Judges running a funnel or other official Goodman Games event, receive double the housing credit — $200!

Feel free to email us at events@goodman-games.com with any questions or concerns you might have, or so sign up to run one of our funnel sessions!

Every one of our massively successful convention appearances are only made possible by the hard work, wild imagination, and sheer determination of our fantastic extended family of Judges and event organizers — which is why we want to make sure our Judges get a little something in return from us, for all their time and effort.

Grab your Badge in preparation for booking a room for Gen Con, and once your 4 Events are approved you will get your reimbursement for a FREE Gen Con Badge as well as credit toward your accommodations.

Sign up at events@goodman-games.com

Author: admin

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