Road Crew, Get Advanced Access to Free RPG Day and DCC Day Adventures!

Prep ahead of the big day!

Road Crew, we know you are chomping at the bit to run games on Free RPG Day (June 24th) and DCC Day (July 22nd) — and not just any games, but the exclusive adventures being released especially on those days! But even the greatest Judges need some prep time, and how are you going to prepare when the modules aren’t even released until the big day? Well, we’ve got you covered!

For both Free RPG Day and DCC Day, Road Crew will have special advanced access to the Goodman Games adventures being released on those days. All you have to do is, first, go ahead and schedule the game you want to run in the store of your choice. Then simply ask the STORE (manager, owner, etc.) to email us at and ask for an advance copy of the PDFs for the event. We will send the PDFs out to them, and they will pass them on to you — it’s that easy.

So plan your games and coordinate with your FLGS and you can get prepping in no time — it’s one of the perks of Road Crew!

And, as always, thanks to all of those Judges running public events on the big day(s) — the days would not be half as fun without your dedication, and Goodman Games is truly grateful to have so many enthusiastic ambassadors of fun in the Road Crew.

Author: admin

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