Announcing Glow-In-The-Dark Core Rulebook for Mutant Crawl Classics

Just like an irradiated mutant — this printing of MCC glows in the dark!

Turn off the lights for this one! We are pleased to announce a new hardcover printing of the Mutant Crawl Classics Core Rulebook, featuring amazing glow-in-the-dark ink on the cover art from Stefan Poag. Want to get your hands (claws/talons/tentacles/pseudopods) on it? Then simply head to your local participating gaming store for DCC Day 2023!

DCC Day is July 22, 2023, and it is a one-day celebration of all things DCC (and MCC!), both in stores and online. Your participating FLGS will not only have this glowing new print run of the MCC RPG, but other new goodies besides — including an all new level 3 DCC Day Adventure for Mutant Crawl Classics: Crash of the Titans!

And, of course, the absolutely FREE DCC Day 2023 Adventure Pack, featuring two further adventures! Only while supplies last, of course…

Anyone interested in getting this special printing, or any of the other great DCC Day publications, needs to make sure their retailer has signed up for DCC Day 2023. Retailers interested in participating should email – information on ordering our DCC Day 2023 kits will be posted very soon!

Author: admin

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