Keep those Events rolling in — and let’s make this the best Gen Con ever!
Every year we submit all Goodman Games Events to Gen Con as a block — the ones directly run by us, as well as the games put on by all of our amazing volunteer Judges — and that not only let’s us coordinated our schedule, but it means we can reach out directly to you when you qualify for a free Badge and Housing Credit from us!
How to qualify? It’s simple — if you run 4 RPG sessions, we’ll arrange for a GM badge and a $100 housing credit. After all, we couldn’t do it without your support, and it’s another terrific reason to run events! To get these benefits, though, you have to submit using our form. That allows us to add you to our company events, giving you priority slots and the mentioned benefits.
But we need more events! We’re looking for games and events from any of our publications, from Dungeon Crawl Classics, Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar, and Mutant Crawl Classics to fan-favorite variations like Xcrawl, Fifth Edition Fantasy, through our Original Adventures Reincarnated line, or the tremendously inventive supplements, ‘zines, and adventures from our Third Party developers — the works!
Feel free to email us at with any questions or concerns you might have.
Every one of our massively successful convention appearances are only made possible by the hard work, wild imagination, and sheer determination of our fantastic extended family of Judges and event organizers — which is why we want to make sure our Judges get a little something in return from us, for all their time and effort.
So get your Events to us and soon as you can — and consider running four of them (if you hadn’t planned to already) to not only get a free badge, but credit toward your accommodations!
When submitting, it will help to have the following info on hand:
- The email address you used to create an account at (hint, hint!)
- Title of your event/game
- Description (or back-of-book blurb)
- Day/time you’d like to run the event
The form will walk you through each step, and our convention team will get in touch with you if they have any questions.
You can also use this form to let us know if you want to join the Band this year! Running official Goodman Games events (such as the tournament) includes a doubled hotel credit/reimbursement as well as other perks.
And, lastly, if you’re planning to utilize Gen Con’s housing block, be sure to get your events in SOON to make sure your badge is properly assigned beforehand!