5E Adventure Module Manual Now Live on Indiegogo!

It’s live! Our latest Indiegogo campaign has begun—and we started it out by upping the ante!

The year is off to a big start with the arrival of the Indiegogo campaign for our Fifth Edition Fantasy Adventure Module Manual Vol 1 AND Fifth Edition Fantasy Adventure Module Manual Vol 2—two mega-volume hardback omnibus collections of modules from our FEF line!

As always, Indiegogo backers not only help make these publications possible, but you also get a discount off the cover price! Two volumes of classic, easy-to-drop-in 5E adventures from your favorite designers, all in a pair of 200+ page tomes, available for less than the cover price—you’ll definitely want to go-go for this deal!

Adventure Module Manual Vol. 1 is a hardcover collection of the first 7 adventure modules published under the FEF brand, most of them written by Chris Doyle and Michael Curtis. The volume is estimated at approximately 200-210 pages. The contents include:

  • FEF #1: Glitterdoom, by Michael Curtis (level 3 adventure)
  • FEF #2: The Fey Sisters’ Fate, by Chris Doyle (level 1 adventure module)
  • FEF #3: The Pillars of Pelagia, by Chris Doyle (level 3 adventure module)
  • FEF #4: War-Lock, by Michael Curtis (level 4 adventure module)
  • FEF #5: Into the Dragon’s Maw, by Chris Doyle (level 12 adventure module)
  • FEF #6: Raiders of the Lost Oasis, by Chris Doyle (level 4 adventure module)
  • FEF #7: Fantastic Encounters, by Bob Brinkman, Michael Curtis, Chris Doyle and James Floyd Kelly (12 short encounters from levels 1 to 6)

Adventure Module Manual Vol. 2 is a hardcover collection of the next eight adventure modules published under the FEF brand, written by a variety of authors. The volume is estimated at approximately 200 pages. The contents include:

  • FEF #8: Eye of the Leviathan, by Chris Doyle (level 8 adventure module)
  • FEF #9: The Fallen Temple, by James Floyd Kelly (level 10 adventure module)
  • FEF #10: The Castle in the Sky, by Bob Brinkman (level 5 adventure module)
  • FEF #11: The Archmage’s Lost Hideaway, by Rick Maffei (level 7 adventure module)
  • FEF #12: The Forgotten Hive, by Bob Brinkman (level 1 adventure module)
  • FEF #13: Mystery under the Monastery, by James Floyd Kelly (level 4 adventure module)
  • FEF #14: Beneath the Keep, by Chris Doyle (level 1 adventure module)
  • FEF #15: The Drowning Caverns of the Fish God, by Aeryn Rudel (level 10 adventure module)

This campaign funds the printing of BOTH of these milestone hardcovers, as well as select pieces of art to complete the final layout. And it’s live RIGHT NOW!

So head on over to the Fifth Edition Fantasy: Adventure Module Manual 1&2 Indiegogo and support the campaign! It’s fifteen adventures in hardcover format at an amazing price!

Author: pandabrett

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