Final Month To Order Print Copy of Van On The Run

Final chance to order this exclusive adventure!

We told you it was coming, and now it’s here! The 2022 Road Crew exclusive module is now available!

The new exclusive adventure module is ONLY available to members of the Road Crew! Van on the Run is written by Terry Olson with cover artwork by Doug Kovacs, and is meant for 1st level characters for DCC RPG.

Road Crew members can grab the free PDF right now over on the online store, and now is their last chance to also pre-order a print version (scheduled to ship in 2023). The module will not be available to anyone outside the Road Crew.

This is your last chance to pre-order your print copy! We’ll be sending it to the printer when the clock strikes 2023, so place your pre-order now while you still can!

Let’s look at the details:

Ancient dragonscale tomes chronicle a vehicle of astral origin, driven by the sorcerous, jumping through labyrinthine time-light, spawning beings of pure energy, and challenging gods. Could this be it, sitting wrecked before you?

Inside, a dangling, shrunken hag’s head shrieks, “LIVE DRIVER REQUIRED!” A wasteland awaits, where you must carve through the dreaded croc-ti to rescue the demon who can fix your ride. Only then can you fly your arcane chariot to conquer the gargantuan Crocndoom and prove your mastery of the van on the run!

Author: admin

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