Don’t miss Dieter’s charity livestream today, starting at 2:00 pm EST!
Today’s DCC RPG liveplay from Dieter Zimmerman and friends lets the audience determine the outcome of certain events — good or bad — and it’s all for a great cause! Your donations will alter events in the game (see below), and proceeds go to support the Children’s Miracle Network.
The charity stream will kick off with a $200 donation from Goodman Games, but where it goes from there is totally up to you. In addition, Goodman Games will match your donations at the end of the stream, doubling the power of your generosity!
Let’s look at the details.
2:00 p.m. EST, Saturday, November 12

ExtraLife Charity Liveplay
Hosts: Dieter Zimmerman and friends
This afternoon our own Dieter Zimmerman is teaming with Jason Harrison and the folks at ExtraLife for a DCC RPG charity event. Dieter will be running a DCC adventure titled “Grave of the Gearwright”, with viewers able to donate money that will alter events of the game as it happens!
During the liveplay Twitch-cast, viewers can make donations to give players auto crits, fumbles, and other options LIVE during the game! You can grab the details on how and make donations on Jason’s ExtraLife page!
Goodman Games will begin the event with a $200 donation to get things rolling. To top everything off, after the stream, Goodman Games will be matching any donations that are made, so pledge a lot! We want this to be a huge success and help out some kids in need.
So join Dieter today from 2:00-6:00 p.m. EST live on The Official Lexington Games for Good Tabletop RPG channel, and simulcast on The Goodman Games Official Twitch Channel!