We’re Hibernating After Gen Con

We just flew back from Gen Con, and boy are our arms tired!

Actually, our whole body is tired. All of us. Which means that we might be a little difficult to get ahold of for a short while. So if you make an attempt to reach us, don’t be shocked if we are a little slow getting back to you. We will respond to you after August 15.

Why so long? Because we’re taking a week off after the con to rest up and recover our hit points! Urgent issues should be directed to info@goodman-games.com, and all for everything else…we’ll catch up with you soon.

We’ll still be doing regular web posts and the online store is open and shipping as normal, it’s just direct emails that might see a delay. We thank you for your patience.

And for all the folks that came to Indy and helped make Gen Con such an amazing show…THANK YOU! This is the best kind of tired. We are actually already looking forward to Gen Con 2023.

Author: pandabrett

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