The Wizard Van Is Headed To Gen Con

For years, Goodman Games has spoken of bringing a wizard van to Indianapolis. The idea of a classic van decorated with magical images has resonated with the company—and our fans—for some time now. So many have wished it to become a reality that it felt like it took on a life of its own.

Well, wish no more.

The Wizard Van is heading to Gen Con! In a matter of days, you’ll find yourself in the presence of the Wizard Van at the biggest gaming convention in North America!

Master craftsman Wayne Snyder is putting the finishing touches to the interior just in time for Gen Con. Decking it out in everything that a gamer wants for their van-tastic adventures! And if you signed up to game in the wizard van, this is where it will be happening, folks!

Even if you aren’t one of the lucky ones who will be experiencing a game inside the van, you’ll still be able to see it in person! Be sure to stop by and check out the van so you can be one of the ones who can rightly proclaim that they were there when the Goodman Games Wizard Van arrived on the scene!

We’ll see you in Indy very soon!

Author: pandabrett

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