A New Dark Tower Adventure for DCC! (And 5E?)

We bring you news from the sands! The Kickstarter for Dark Tower has surpassed another stretch goal, which means a new adventure is in the creation—and perhaps another!

We’ll be adding a Dark Tower-themed adventure to the DCC product line. And backers will receive the PDF! This adventure will be set in what Michael Curtis has termed “the Jenelliverse.” There is so much rich back story in Dark Tower on which to base a new DCC adventure. Maybe the trek to Mitra’s Fist—or the ongoing conflict between Mitra and Set? We’ll reveal more as the brainstorming continues…

But that’s not all! Our next stretch goal plateau is very nearly reached and will lead to a brand-new 5E adventure set in the Dark Tower world. Our intent here is to make a different adventure than the DCC one—not just a conversion. We’ll do what’s natural and right for each rules set.

The only way to get to that next level and the new 5E adventure in “the Jenelliverse” is to support the Kickstarter for Dark Tower! And time is running out!

OAR #7: Dark Tower will be a slipcased 3-book set, collecting old and new material. Volume 1 reprints the original module with introductions and historical commentary. Volume 2 is the 5E rules conversion of the original adventure, Dark Tower. And volume 3 is an entirely new series of adventures entitled The Chosen Sons of Set, building on the concepts presented in the original Dark Tower publication.

Ranked by Dungeon magazine as one of the top 30 adventure modules of all time, Goodman Games is proud to be working with Jennell Jaquays to bring her classic adventure to life for a whole new audience.

And you can be part of that audience! The hours are counting down as the sand slips through the hourglass, so don’t delay! Join us at the Dark Tower Kickstarter and bring the desert to new life!

Author: pandabrett

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