Chris’ 2021 Retrospective: Goodman Games’ 5E Year in Review

2021’s Top 10 Accomplishments for Goodman Games 5E Product Line

by Chris Doyle

10. We premiered two episodes of a new Twitch Show, “What’s Coming Down the 5E Pike.”

This is a chance for the fans to hear all the new scuttlebutt and developments in the 5E product line right from the foul mouth of our 5E mascot, Captain Pike!

9. We hosted DungeonCon Online, our first all 5E virtual convention, in late May!

This virtual event included a custom Gather.Town village and Inn, hosted games, a team tournament, an artist’s row, a virtual Dealer’s Room, and live-streamed seminars and shows.

8. Twenty Sides to Every Story hosted a weekly 5E Temple of Elemental Evil playthrough.

Months before the books released, Alex Kurowski and crew live-streamed weekly sessions detailing the adventures in the Village of Hommlet, and the dreaded dungeons beneath the temple.

7. We kicked off a Super-Secret Playtest for an upcoming 5E product.

If we could tell you more, we would! Maybe in 2022…

6. At DungeonCon Online, we hosted our first 5E Team Tourney, The Prism of Redemption.

Teams faced a variety of challenges featuring iconic 5E mechanisms in this all-new two-round event.

5. We held our first 5E Open Call for Writers, Editors and Playtesters.

We received over 100 inquires, and 13 writers, 2 editors and 5 playtest groups survived the funnel.

4. The Sunken Temple of Set was our 2021 Free RPG Day 5E release.

This stand-alone adventure can be used in your Dark Tower campaign.

3. The 5E Team designed 500+ monsters for Dungeon Denizens!

How big is this project? We needed 18 writers (many new, but some of the old guard too), three editors, and 11 artists were needed to tackle this assignment!

2. We launched the Crypt of the Devil Lich Kickstarter!

The fans blew us away, with 2,200+ backers and over $128,000 pledged, so we scrambled to create a bunch of stretch goals, including an entire new level!

1. OAR #6, Temple of Elemental Evil was delivered to the fans.

This beauty clocked in at 732 pages in a two hardcover slipcase edition. After 2+ years in development, even global supply chain shortages and shipping adversity couldn’t prevent us from delivering this homage to a true classic.

Author: admin

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