Final Hours For The MCC RPG Carnage in the Casino Kickstarter!

Test your MCC RPG skills in this place that kills . . .  Can you survive a casino shaped death-trap? 

Fresh up at Kickstarter and already well-ahead of its funding and stretch goals, Carnage in the Casino is the first module from Eddie Bartlett, one of the twisted minds behind “The Long Con” (Longview, Texas’s finest RPG convention) and host of “The No Class RPG” podcast. This Mutant Crawl Classics compatible adventure takes 0 level characters and funnels them for you. Burn through the ruins of an old world casino, while fighting for your lives against the nefarious “Gearhead” gang. 

If you want gonzo, you got it!  From stand-up comedy kill-bots to overly friendly locals, this adventure has something for everyone. It’s short and sweet, designed to fill a 4-6 hour convention slot, or have your own casino night at home with our extremely simplified game rules.  It’s rated PG-13 for gore, adult humor, and a potentially sticky situation.

So what are you waiting for? Who knows, Lady Luck might actually smile on you . . .

Author: pandabrett

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