The Empire has been established! Long may The Spawn reign upon her throne won by conquest!
And we hope everyone had an amazing time at Empire of the Cyclops Con. It was our biggest and most ambitious online convention to date, and we are thrilled to have had such great participation. We’re not done, though. Oh no…not by a longshot.
The Spawn sits upon her throne, but…is that romance in the air?
Join us on May 13-15, 2022 to find out the next chapter in this story, and to be a part of the next online convention from your friends at Goodman Games!
Our girl has found love! Though maybe not how Dad and Grandpa would like…she has fallen for a Tri-Clops.
We have heard from Grandma Eunice Cyclops on the subject “These kids today with their 2 and 3 eyes! It’s just not like it was when I was growing up! We got by with 1 eye and were happy to have it. Why I remember my great-grandma Myrdal had to get by without any eyes at all!”
The eyes have it. We’ll see you at Romance of the Cyclops Con in May, 2022!