It’s a DCC Charity Live Stream to help kids in need!
Join our friend Dieter Zimmerman today, from 1:00 – 4:45 pm EST, for a Saturday afternoon live stream of his adventure, The Hangman’s Garden (to appear in a future issue of Tales From the Smoking Wyrm) — and donate to a worthy cause!
Dieter and his players are gaming to support his local Lexington, KY Children’s Hospital, through the medium of Extra Life charity streaming, which is part of the Children’s Miracle Network. The audience is of course free to donate whatever they wish during this fundraiser, but also, to add a level of interactivity to things, viewers can buy rerolls, critical success results, and – oh boy — critical failures to effect the players AND Judge.
With so many ways for the audience to throw a monkey in the works, it’s sure to be an entertaining live stream!