We’ve got a big announcement from Kaizoku Press, in concert with MP Edizioni — the Dungeon Crawl Classics Italian rulebook is here! And this new release is just the beginning of Italian editions of popular DCC publications and adventures from Kaizoku Press and MP Edizioni!
Kaizoku Press has been publishing games and comics from all over the world for years, and Goodman Games is proud to have forged an alliance with them to bring Dungeon Crawl Classics to a new audience.
The DCC Italian language edition is currently not shipping to North America, but we will soon have these available in our own online store. You can have a look at the free Italian language DCC Quick Start rulebook in the meantime at DCC‘s Italian site.
From the Kaizoku Press release:
Old School Renaissance arrives in Italy in style! Discover the flavor and fun of a classic RPG.
- Start immediately! Simple and fast rules with a lot of material to enrich your adventures!
- An original magic system with over 200 pages full of spells! No magic missile will be alike!
- Dozens of monsters and NPCs
- Critical hits tables
- Two adventures ready to be played
- Lots of black humor and a special flavor that make it a unique game!
ARE YOU READY TO BEGIN? Riches and honor await to be conquered with your sword.
Follow the Italian edition of DCC RPG on the Facebook page, the Italian Dungeon Crawl Classics website, or email Kaizoku Press directly at info@dungeoncrawlclassics.it.
Here’s the Kaizoku Press press release in Italian:
Finalmente anche in Italia il gioco di ruolo della Goodman Games.
Benvenuto a DCC Dungeon Creal Classics: abbandona la vita da contadino, parti da Livello 0 e fatti strada nel dungeon:
oro e gloria ti attendono… se sopravvivi.
Lo Old School Reinassence arriva in Italia in grande stile! Scopri il gusto e il divertimento del Gioco di Ruolo Classico.
Parti subito! Regole semplici e rapide (compatibili con D&D) con moltissimo materiale per arricchire le avventure!
- Un originale sistema magico con oltre 200 pagine di incantesimi! Nessun dardo incantato sarĂ uguale all’altro!
- Decine di mostri e png
- Tabelle per i colpi critici
- Due avventure complete
- Tanto humor nero e uno stile particolarissimo che lo rende un gioco unico nel suo genere!
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