This week, one show reaches its season finale, while another begins a special journey into the Crypt of the Devil Lich!
Plus, Brad McDevitt welcomes you back into his studio space, and Blades Against Bandwidth returns to Lankhmar!
Let’s check out the full schedule of all our Twitch shows for this week!
Schedule for the week of August 2
8:00 p.m. EST, Monday, August 2
In the Studio With Brad
Host: Brad McDevitt
You are invited to another In the Studio with Brad tonight at 8:00 pm EST! Come join Brad as he shows the steps from last week’s art from Crypt of the Devil Lich from sketch to pre-print final image, then things are gonna take a 180 from old-school fantasy to modern wackiness as he works on an image for the upcoming Xcrawl Classics and exhorts you with reasons why Xcrawl is the greatest game ever published!
As always, he will be taking questions and answering them in his own special way. And he’ll even provide a lesson or two in his own personal art process.
8:00 p.m. EST, Wednesday, August 4
Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan
Hosts: Brendan LaSalle and Michael Curtis
This week Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan is ready to lock up the basement for another season. For the final show of Season 2, Mike and Brendan are going to go out big!
An AUA (ask us anything) to end all AUAs! We will be taking questions from the Twitch chat as well as taking questions in advance! Send any and all early questions to ATTN: KEEP CRAWLIN!
Join us in putting to bed another great season of Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan!
10:00 p.m. EST, Saturday, August 7
Danger Strangers
Host and Guests: The Defenders of Kobold
The crew from The Defenders of Kobold begin a special event series this weekend as they travel to a very deadly crypt!
Join them as they kick off a run of the Goodman Games adventure, Crypt of the Devil Lich. They’ll be using the 5e rules and have a special guest player, Jorphdan. An ancient prophecy sends you into the crypt of the Devil Lich! The toughest dungeon crawl since Tomb of Horrors returns for 5E & DCC!
Defenders of Kobold present Danger Stranger! A live play-through show airing every-other Saturday at 10:00 p.m. EST.
Hop in the van adventurer! IF YOU DARE!
5:00 p.m. EST, Sunday, August 8
Blades Against Bandwidth: Lankhmar
Host and Guests: Judge Brendan and cohorts
The players are all in their places . . . the curtain parts . . . and ACTION!
This week on Blades Against Bandwidth: Lankhmar, our mainstage players face off against the machinations of Duke Borvat and his cornucopia of hired thugs. Will their wits and prowess be enough to upstage an angry aristocrat and his gruesome groundlings?
Do not miss the second act action on this week’s Blades Against Bandwidth: Lankhmar, Sunday, August 8 at 5:00 p.m. EST on the Goodman Games Official Twitch Channel.
Be sure to check out all of those great shows! And don’t forget to visit all of our recent streams on the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel!