A while back we announced that a trial version of DCC RPG was ready for Foundry VTT. Though, at the time, we told you that it was the trial version that was being worked on until the final version was ready to go. Well, it’s that time—the final version is ready! And it’s now available on the Goodman Games online store!
What is Foundry VTT? Foundry VTT is a virtual tabletop, like Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds. Unlike those, Foundry VTT runs on your own local computer or cloud server, and can be accessed by your players via their web browser with no installation. Foundry VTT is available for a one-time purchase price of $50, then it’s yours for life. You can have unlimited players connect for no additional charge, and never have to deal with slow servers, outages, or costly subscription fees.
Foundry VTT is built around modern development and UI standards, and has a rich developer community. Hundreds of free add-on modules allow you to play as you want; add weather effects, calendars, animations, or even fast and responsive 3D dice. Amazing production-quality dynamic lighting with flicker effects is built right in, and can handle massive maps. Direct integration with popular mapping tools like DungeonDraft makes setting up fully-lit maps quick and easy. Actual doors mean never having to switch layers to drag a chunk of wall out of the way. You can show and hide groups of monster tokens with a simple click.
You can write macros using simple modern scripting, as well as set up hot-bars of clickable icons so you don’t even need to open a character sheet to make rolls. You can even set up hot-bars for each player in advance – perfect for convention games!
New versions of Foundry are released monthly, and your purchase price includes dozens of free maps, sounds, music, and other assets. The product is evolving rapidly, and getting better with every release!