Today is your last chance!
The DCC Dying Earth kickstarter continues to rack up the pledges and, with only a few hours left before it comes to a close, now is the time to take the plunge into the world of the Dying Earth. The huge support we’ve been getting means that, in addition to all the amazing content already included in the DCC Dying Earth boxset, fans will be showered with tons of extras from our many stretch goals.
In addition to everything included with your pledge, each tier of our stretch goals unlocks more DCC Dying Earth goodies free for everyone supporting the project through kickstarter. So far our fans have unlocked more spells, curses, patrons, and artifacts. They’ve got an exclusive DCC Dying Earth Judges Screen coming their way, to better hide sneaky dice rolling, and 100 adventure hooks to prime the pumps of imagination. Statistics for NPCs and details on Monster Ecology and Lairs will add even more wild variety and flavor to this amazing setting, and a supplemental art folio will further bring it to life through our visionary DCC artists. Those reluctant Magician’s helpers Sandestins will get their own folio detailing the many advantages and pitfalls of their use.
And, speaking of Magicians, several new stretch goals have magically appeared on the horizon. Today we announced the final stretch goal for the campaign: a visit to the home of Jack Vance to inspire our creative team!
Our final goal is a trip to California for some of the design team to visit with John Vance at his family home. The house is filled with memorabilia and archives of Jack Vance’s career, including unpublished manuscripts, drafts, notebooks, and much more. John has agreed to give the design team access to his father’s materials and time to digest them in his family home.
What does this mean for you, backers? Well, we don’t know yet, but it will be a product of some kind based on what inspires the design team after this visit. We’re not clear exactly what we’ll find or how it will apply to the DCC Dying Earth adaptation—but we’re sure it will be something cool and will translate into another supplement or adventure of some kind.
All of these great ways to elevate your DCC Dying Earth gaming are included free just for supporting the kickstarter, and all are available with a pledge for the boxed set and adventures.