Special Guests Visit Keep Crawlin Tonight on Twitch

Mike and Brendan welcome in a second pair to their madcap basement world tonight on Twitch! Keep Crawlin’ is taking a trip to The Dying Earth!

8:00 p.m. EST, Wednesday, July 7

Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan

Hosts: Brendan LaSalle and Michael Curtis

We’re moving the couches out of the basement to make room for the cloning vats! This week on Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan, we bring you two of the designers of DCC Dying Earth, Marc Bruner and Julian Bernick!

This is going to be an epic design conversation that you aren’t going to want to miss! If the sun were about to go out and cast the world into internal darkness, make the last Twitch show you watch Keep Crawlin’ with Mike and Brendan! 

Author: pandabrett

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