Classic Covers: Jack Vance

One of the benefits of being an extraordinarily productive and highly-reprinted genre writer during the mass market paperback publishing boom of the mid-twentieth century is you get a terrific amount of amazing visual art forever associated with your name. Jack Vance, author of over 60 books (whenever you see ‘over’ a certain number, that’s a pretty big clue that the author in question is so prolific that it’s actually hard to get an exact count!), has published enough unique paperback editions to fill an entire room. A big one.

And here is just a small taste of what the shelves on that room would contain. Enjoy.

The Dying Earth is coming to Dungeon Crawl Classics! Follow the DCC Dying Earth Kickstarter today to stay in the loop about this upcoming release. And you can read more about Jack Vance and The Dying Earth in our posts about his work as part of our coverage of the authors of Appendix N.

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