Last Day for Kickstarter Exclusives and Stretch Goals on Crypt of the Devil Lich


An ancient prophecy sends your heroes into the crypt of the Devil Lich. They must destroy her, before she can return to power. Once inside, your heroes face horrors that could only be dreamt of by a mad half-drow half-fiend lich!

It all ends tonight. If you want to get in on the EXCLUSIVE stretch goals that are a part of the Crypt of the Devil Lich campaign you have to act now! We’ve just added the bonus of a free copy of Pillars of Pelagia to all backers, and we are well within reach of multiple stretch goals—including adding Chalychia as a patron and creating a slipcase with new art for ALL backers!

The response to this campaign has been sensational, and we have you to thank for that, but you can still make it even better—but time is running out!

Check out the chart below to see the exclusives for being a part of the Kickstarter, as well as some of the stretch goals we’ve made and the ones still within reach.

Perhaps the most cherished dungeon crawl ever published by Goodman Games, Crypt of the Devil Lich has been completely updated and converted to new rules sets.

It’s the final day to become a part of this Kickstarter and get the exclusive extras that come along with it. Chalychia is opening the doors to her lair, do you have what it takes to step inside?

Author: pandabrett

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