New In The Online Store: One Of Us and The Palace of Unquiet Repose

We’ve got a pair of great third-party releases hitting our online store this week, and both are available in print + PDF format!

One takes you to dustbowl America of the early 20th century, while the other takes you deep underground to a forgotten manse. And both of them take you on wild rides!

Let’s take a closer look!

One of Us #1 – Print + PDF

A post-apocalyptic Americana zine for DCC RPG. Contains three new character classes, a new patron, and monsters of the Dustbowl.

This is a post-apocalyptic Americana zine for Dungeon Crawl Classics. You are a carnie indentured to the mysterious being known as The Madame. In exchange for wondrous powers and “a more perfect self,” The Madame calls upon you to procure magnificent artifacts as you crisscross the dusty and dangerous remains of a once robust and proud land. Cannibal hobos, shadowy cults, and uncouth hecklers will do everything in their power to prevent your caravan from carrying out its mission.

The Palace of Unquiet Repose – Print + PDF

Uyu-Yadmogh. Prince of Princes. Archmage. Devourer of Children. Under the earth, he built himself a palace in which he could abide eternity. Now he is only a half-remembered legend. The ground trembles, the earth is split asunder. In the sunken depths of the earth, the Palace awaits. An adventure for those who dare. 

Check out their video trailer on YouTube!

Author: pandabrett

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