Goodman Games and Humble Bundle Donate over $30,000 to The American Red Cross

We here at Goodman Games are overwhelmed by the generosity of the DCC Community. And this latest example might be the greatest one yet.

We recently ran a Humble Bundle—thank you to everyone who helped support it—and it introduced many new fans to DCC RPG. And part of how the Humble Bundle model works is that fans can select how much of their purchase price goes to a charity partner.

We were astounded to see the generosity of the DCC community.

You collectively donated over $30,000 to the American Red Cross in small increments across many individual purchases.

Thanks to everyone who supported the Humble Bundle and our charity of choice, The American Red Cross.

You—plus Humble Bundle and Goodman Games—have made a huge difference in this year of need!

Thank you. So very much.

Author: jmcdevitt

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