September begins with a great week of adventure! Not only do we have the second episode of Danger Stranger heading your way this weekend, but we’ve got a whole week of demo games starting on Tuesday, September 1st.
Check out the schedule below!
Schedule for the week of August 31
3:00 pm EST, Thursday, September 3
1000 Insane World
Host: Brendan LaSalle
Each week, 1000 Insane Worlds brings you a new DCC-rules adventure in a different campaign setting. Each week we strive to give our randomly-chosen guests a high-impact adventure, with the focus on fun. This is the only Twitch game guaranteed to bring you 1000 Insane Worlds!
This week on 1KW: a squad of fierce warriors must risk everything to ensure their wounded comrades survive! Can our stalwarts survive to see the dawn once more? Tune in this Thursday 3:00 pm EST for 1,000 Insane Worlds!
Remember, you can be a part of the adventure! Every week we have a sign-up form to give you a chance to be a part of the adventure. So put your name in the hat, and we’ll see what adventure has in store!
10:00 am EST, Saturday, September 5
Writing a DCC Adventure with Judge Robin
Host: Robin Fitton
Straight from the UK Road Crew, Judge Robin teaches you how to enhance your sessions with a little preplanning. Learn essential preparation, how-to-plays, encounter set up, and theory.
Live writing and occasionally drawing maps for a non-official DCC adventure with maps, dungeons, monster creation, plot, and hooks are what’s in store every time you tune in!
So be sure to join him this Sunday for all the info!
10:00 pm EST, Saturday, September 5
Danger Stranger
Host and Guests: The Defenders of Kobold
Danger Stranger is back with their new episode this week, and it offers some DCC RPG goodness in a classic style. Here’s the plan…
A group of lovable idiots plays through all of the best adventures for Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC-adjacent games that you’ve been thinking about buying. And you get to enjoy the ride.
Defenders of Kobold present Danger Stranger! A live play-through show airing every-other Saturday at 10:00 pm EST.
Hop in the van adventurer! IF YOU DARE!
6:00 pm EST, Sunday, September 6
Blades Against Bandwidth
Host and Guests: Jeff Goad, Carman Vance, Valerie Emerson, Rev. Dak Ultimak, Tim Deschane, and Brendan LaSalle
Judge Brendan runs a group of the finest gamers ever assembled in an online campaign featuring Goodman Games DCC adventures. We invite a rotating special guest to take a character every week, so you never know what might come next.
Last week, the Blades Against Bandwidth crew put an end to the Curse of the Kingspire. This week they lick their wounds, count their coins, and decide on their next move. It’s Jeff Goad’s turn to find a special guest, and Jeff knows everybody so you know it’s going to be awesome. Tune in this Sunday at 6:00 pm EST for DCC adventure, laughs, and freshman dorm stories from Blades Against Bandwidth!
Joining Brendan will be regulars Jeff Goad, Tim Deschane, Hayley Skatch, Rev. Dak Ultimak, and Carmen Vance. The final chair will be filled by a special guest gamer.
So be sure to join them this Sunday for plenty of DCC fun!
Be sure to check out all of those great events! And don’t forget to visit all of our recent streams on the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel!