Danger Stranger Premieres Tomorrow Night On Twitch!

We’re just a day out from the newest show joining The Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel!

That new show is Danger Stranger, and it offers some DCC RPG goodness in a classic style. Here’s the plan…

A group of lovable idiots plays through all of the best adventures for Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC-adjacent games that you’ve been thinking about buying. And you get to enjoy the ride.

Defenders of Kobold present Danger Stranger! A new live play-through show starting Saturday the 22nd at 10:00 pm EST. New episodes will air every-other Saturday.

Hop in the van adventurer! IF YOU DARE!

Danger Stranger debuts this Saturday—August 22nd—at 10:00 pm EST on The Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel!

Author: pandabrett

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