Last Chance to Support the Purple Sorcerer Pledge Drive!

TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY TO PLEDGE! Purple Sorcerer’s annual pledge drive ends today, so if you want to continue to get some amazing tools for FREE, you need to show your love and support.

Who is Purple Sorcerer you may ask? Well, they are the folks who put together The Crawler Companion and many other fine tools that you can use in your Dungeon Crawl Classics or Mutant Crawl Classics game.

These tools include the DCC 0-Level Party Generator, the MCC Character Generator, the DCC Upper-Level Character Generator, the Sorcerer’s Grimoire, the Unique Monster Generator, and much more! This is THE online tool for DCC RPG fans, and they provide all of this for FREE!

In order to do that, though, they do need your help to keep things running. So that’s why we encourage you to head over to their site and donate a little something to help keep these tools around.

And you might even get a little something else for your donation. Several prizes have been donated that will be given to the top donors and some random folks as well.

Don’t forget that Purple Sorcerer is also one of our prized third-party publishers. You can find all of their releases in our online store right now!

And head on over to their pledge drive to keep them going for another year!

Author: pandabrett

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