For the past couple of weeks our own Judge Brendan has been running some great live games on our Twitch channel. We’re referring to Blades Against Bandwidth and Game Therapy, and we invite you to come check them out with us LIVE.
We’ve also got some amazing other games that will be airing throughout the week.
Check out the schedule below!
5:00 pm EST, Thursday, May 14
Game Therapy
Host: Brendan LaSalle
Goodman Games is on a quest: to help folks relax, have fun, and socialize online while keeping safe during the pandemic.
You need a good time. You need some monsters to pound on. You need…GAME THERAPY!
We started this whole thing on May 7th. Therapy isn’t over after just one session though… So join us this week for your session of Game Therapy with Doc Judge Brendan LaSalle, D.C.C., at 5:00 pm EST.
Game Therapy is for you—a means to help you relax and have some fun. Sign up weekly for a chance to be one of four randomly-chosen players to jump in with Judge Brendan for a night of online gaming mayhem.
6:00 pm EST, Sunday, May 17
Blades Against Bandwidth
Host: Brendan LaSalle
Join Judge Brendan as he and a horde of his cohorts continue their weekly game that will be streamed on the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel!
Joining Brendan will be regulars Jeff Goad, Tim Deschane, Valerie Emerson, Alex Kurowski, and Carmen Vance. The final chair will be filled by a special guest gamer. This past week we had Dieter Zimmerman show up! Who will it be this week? Tune in to find out!
So be sure to join him this Sunday for plenty of DCC fun!
Schedule for the week of May 11
8:00 pm EST, Saturday, May 16
OAR #2: The Isle of Dread
Host: Twenty Sides to Every Story
Running an actual play of OAR #2: The Isle of Dread!
The players have arrived at Taboo Island and are delving deeper into the final dungeon of the adventure.
Come check it out on the Twenty Sides to Every Story Twitch Channel.
10:00 pm EST, Saturday, May 16
Dark Trails: The Demon Hills
Host: Defenders of Kobold
Join the Defenders of Kobold as they run through Keith Nelson’s adventure from The 2019 Gongfarmer’s Almanac, The Demon Hills, designed for use with the Dark Trails RPG.
The Dark Trails RPG is a standalone Weird West role-playing game influenced by the works of HP Lovecraft and folklore pulled from all over the world. The game offers a new take on the genre with a rule set based upon and compatible with the popular Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG published by Goodman Games.
Come check it out on the Defenders of Kobold Twitch Channel.
Be sure to check out all of those great events! And don’t forget to visit all of our recent streams on the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel!