Check Out Our New Road Crew Forum!

Let’s talk Road Crew. Or rather, let’s talk, Road Crew.

Did you know you can earn free swag by running Dungeon Crawl Classics games? That’s our Road Crew program! Furthermore, did you know that we have a new forum category set up just for the Road Crew?

That’s right, it’s a great place for you to start posting game reports, talking about your players’ exploits, and sharing where you’ll be appearing! In other words, we want you to talk, Road Crew! Share things. Provide help to those just starting in the program with advice and suggestions. Let everyone know where and what is going on in your corner of the world.

We realize right now that things are a little…different. We aren’t able to gather in groups and at cons like we normally do, so we want to encourage you to still communicate. Keep the conversation going!

And remember: ONLINE GAMES COUNT! Run a game on Twitch or Fantasy Grounds or Roll20. Anywhere that you can play a public game online still counts as a Road Crew game!

So head on over to our forums, and more specifically check out the new Road Crew section of the Goodman Games forums!

Author: jmcdevitt

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